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Read HSBC's privacy and security policy to understand the steps we take to protect you and your Personal Data from harm.

Section 1 - Data Privacy Principles

  • Transparency: We will be clear and transparent about how we process Personal Data.
  • Fair and lawful usage: We will only process Personal Data lawfully and where we have a legitimate reason to do so.
  • Limited purposes: We will only process Personal Data for a specific purpose, and will not use it for another incompatible purpose unless we have followed any steps required by Data Privacy Law to enable us to do so lawfully.
  • Minimal and Adequate Data: We will make sure we only process Personal Data in a proportionate way. We will find an appropriate balance to make sure that we (i) process enough Personal Data to carry out our business and achieve our specific purposes, but (ii) do not process excessive amounts of Personal Data.
  • Data accuracy: We will maintain appropriate standards of data quality and integrity. We will implement policies about data accuracy, including taking steps to stop Personal Data becoming out of date, where appropriate.
  • Privacy by Design: We will take steps to make sure that new products and services, or changes to existing products or services, are designed to respect Data Privacy Law. We will make sure every individual who works with Personal Data is aware of their obligations about Personal Data, and their responsibility to respect these principles.
  • Record Keeping: We will keep appropriate records to show that we have complied with Data Privacy Law.
  • Rights of individuals: We will respect individuals’ rights relating to their Personal Data, in accordance with Data Privacy Law.
  • Data Security and Retention: We will maintain appropriate security standards for Personal Data that we process. We will delete or otherwise dispose of Personal Data securely when it is no longer needed for a lawful purpose. We will make sure that only individuals who are permitted to access Personal Data that we process for a lawful purpose are allowed to do so.
  • Data transfers: If we voluntarily transfer Personal Data to another HSBC entity, a third party or another jurisdiction, we will make sure that the transfer is allowed under Data Privacy Law. Where appropriate, we will review the privacy and security protections of the recipient to make sure that they apply the same or equivalent standards to the principles set out above.
  • Third Parties: Where we appoint a vendor or agent, we will review their privacy and security protections to make sure that they apply the same or equivalent standards to the principles set out above. 

Section 2 - Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice ("Privacy Notice") forms part of the General Terms and Conditions governing the relationship between HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd., (hereinafter collectively referred to as "HSBC Vietnam", "we", "our", or "us") and our customers, prospective customers and connected parties (hereinafter collectively referred to as “you", “your”). The Privacy Notice should be read in conjunction with those General Terms and Conditions.

The Privacy Notice is applied for us, as a Personal Data controller and/ or Personal Data processor, and explains which information we collect, how we use the information, who we share the information with and retention of the information to keep it confidential and privileged.


What Personal Data We May Collect

Personal Data” refers to information in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sounds, or equivalences associated with an individual or used to identify an individual. Personal Data that we collect about you is information necessary for the provision of our products or services ("Products”, “Services"), and for other purposes as provided in the Privacy Notice, including:  

“The basic Personal Data”: We may collect the basis Personal Data from you, including but not limited to:

  • Identification data: Full name, address, email address, date of birth, place of birth, national ID, passport information and other identification information related to an individual you provided to us;
  • Personal relationship data: Marital status, information about the individual’s family relationship (parents, children);
  • Professional data: Information about your educational or professional background;
  • Behavioral data: Your digital account information, your Personal Data that reflects activities and activity history in cyberspace; and
  • Other basic Personal Data associated with an individual or used to identify an individual.

“The sensitive Personal Data”: Some information we collect may be sensitive Personal Data, but we collect sensitive Personal Data only with your consent and/or in strict compliance with the applicable laws. Sensitive Personal Data refers to personal data in association with individual privacy which, when being infringed, will directly affect an individual's legal rights and interests, including but not limited to:

  • Financial and commercial data: Information on customers of credit institutions, foreign bank branches, payment service providers and other licensed institutions, including: customer identification as prescribed by law, accounts, deposits, deposited assets, transactions, organizations and individuals that are guarantors at credit institutions, bank branches, and payment service providers;
  • Health data: Health condition and personal information stated in health record;
  • Ethnic origin data: information about genetic data related to your inherited or acquired genetic characteristics;
  • Biometric data: biometric or biological characteristics that are distinctive and stable of a person, used to identify and distinguish such person from another one. Biometric identifiers include portrait pictures, fingerprints, irides, ADN, voice;
  • Data on crimes and criminal activities collected and stored by law enforcement agencies;
  • Geo-location data: Personal location identified via location services; or
  • Other sensitive Personal Data related to you.

We may collect and combine your Personal Data on a case-by-case basis, including but not limited to:

  • when you or your employer, corporate representatives provide to us;
  • when you visit our websites, uses HSBC Vietnam’s Products, Services and applications;
  • when we collect from a public source, credit scoring, debt collection activities, competent authorities and our business partners and/or other third parties.

If you provide us with someone else’s Personal Data, you must obtain their consent as required by applicable laws and explain to them and ensure that they understand how we shall process their Personal Data.


How We Will Process Personal Data

We may process Personal Data for the following purposes set out in the list below (“Purposes”), including but not limited to:

  • Verify the accuracy and correctness of information provided; identify or authenticate your identity and perform customer verification processes;
  • Processing your application for any Products, Services offered or distributed by us (including but not limited to third party products such as investment products, and insurance policies);
  • Evaluate your credit and eligibility profile in relation of using our Products, Services;
  • Provide Products, Services of HSBC Vietnam and HSBC Group companies;
  • Interact with you to provide communication, deliver bills, statements, reports, and/or other relevant documents;
  • Manage and evaluate our business including design and improve our Products, Services, or perform marketing communication;
  • Generate financial, management or other related reports under the applicable laws;
  • Exploit the information in the national data centre in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations;
  • Conduct checks with the Do Not Call or equivalent Registry (if any); conduct market research, surveys and data analysis relating to any Products, Services provided by us (whether conducted by HSBC Vietnam or jointly with another party) which may be relevant to you;
  • Protect our legitimate interest and comply with laws, regulations including prevention of fraud, financial crimes and/or other crimes; meet compliance obligations imposed on HSBC Vietnam and HSBC Group companies;
  • Prevent or suppress danger to a person's life, health and public interests;
  • Purposes which are reasonably related to the aforesaid.

If we process your Personal Data for the purposes other than the Purposes, we shall inform you how we process this Personal Data and obtain your consent before processing your Personal Data for such additional purposes as per applicable laws and regulations.

For the fulfillment of the above Purposes, we will process your Personal Data by performing one or more activities, such as collection, recording, analysis, confirmation, storage, correction, disclosure, combination, access, retrieving, revoking, encryption, decrypting, copying, sharing, transmitting, providing, transferring, deleting, destroying Personal Data or other related actions.


Who We Might Share Personal Data With

For the fulfillment of the Purposes outlined in the Privacy Notice, we may share Personal Data to the following third parties:

  • HSBC Group companies;
  • Any sub-contractors, agents, business partners, advertising companies, volunteer and non-profit organizations of HSBC Group (including their employees, directors and officers);
  • Local and overseas law enforcement agencies, competent authorities;
  • Anyone acting on customers’ behalf, payment recipients, beneficiaries, account agents, correspondent and agent banks, clearing houses, clearing or settlement systems, or anyone making any payment to customers;
  • Other third parties who you consent us to or there are other legal grounds to share your data with.



Transferring Personal Data Overseas

For the fulfillment of the Purposes outlined in the Privacy Notice, we may transfer Personal Data to our third parties, whether in Vietnam or overseas.

When we transfer Personal Data, HSBC Vietnam will require the recipient to ensure that Personal Data disclosed to them is kept confidential and secure. We comply with our legal and regulatory obligations in relation to transferring Personal Data.


Personal Data Retention And Secure

Personal Data held by HSBC Vietnam shall be kept confidential. We use reasonable measures to protect Personal Data. To the extent permitted by law, we may store Personal Data in Vietnam or overseas, including on the Cloud. We maintain HSBC Group data protection standards in accordance with the applicable laws.

We retain Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfill the Purposes outlined in the Privacy Notice unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by the applicable laws.


Data Subject Rights and Obligations

To the extent permitted by law, you may exercise your rights by contacting us via the contact details provided in Section 7 under the Privacy Notice.

  • Right to be informed: You can be informed of your Personal Data processing;
  • Right to give consent: You can give or not the consent to your Personal Data processing;
  • Right to access: You can access your Personal Data in order to see, rectify or request us to rectify your Personal Data;
  • Right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw the consent to processing your Personal Data.
  • Right to delete: You can delete or request deletion of your Personal Data, unless otherwise provided for by law;
  • Right to restrict on processing: You can obtain restriction on the processing of your Personal Data, unless otherwise provided for by law;
  • Right to be provided Personal Data: You can request us to provide your Personal Data, unless otherwise provided for by law;
  • Right to object processing Personal Data: You can object processing your Personal Data in order to prevent or restrict the disclosure of Personal Data or the use of Personal Data for advertising and marketing purposes;
  • Right to file complaints, denunciations and lawsuits;
  • Right to claim damages; and
  • Right to self-protection.

You should be also mindful that exercising on your rights above, may render our Products and Services limited, restricted, suspended, canceled, prevented, or prohibited. As a result, exercising on your rights above may also be considered as a termination by you of any contractual relationship which you may have with us, and our legal rights and remedies in such event are expressly reserved.

You have the following obligations with respect to Personal Data:

  • Protect your own Personal Data, request relevant organizations and individuals to protect your Personal Data;
  • Respect and protect others’ Personal Data;
  • Fully and accurately provide your Personal Data when you consent to Personal Data processing;
  • Participate in disseminations of Personal Data protection skills;
  • Comply with regulations of law on protection of Personal Data and prevent violations against regulations on protection of Personal Data;
  • Other obligations regulated under the applicable laws and regulations.


Contact Us

HSBC Bank (Viet Nam) Ltd

Address: Floor 1, 2, 6 Metropolitan, 235 Dong Khoi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

1. Contact Center:

2. Email us:


Amendments and Updates

HSBC Vietnam may modify, update or amend the content of this Privacy Notice at any time we deem necessary. These modification, update of the Privacy Notice will be published in our official websites.

Section 3 - Security

Data security

  • Security is our top priority. HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd. ("the Bank") will strive at all times to ensure that your personal data will be protected against unauthorised or accidental access, processing or erasure. We maintain this commitment to data security by implementing appropriate physical, electronic and managerial measures to safeguard and secure your personal data.
  • The secure area of our website supports the use of Secure SocketLayer (SSL) protocol and 256-encryption technology - an industry standard for encryption over the Internet to protect data. When you provide sensitive information such as credit card details, it will be automatically converted into codes before being securely dispatched over the Internet.
  • Our web servers are protected behind "firewalls" and our systems are monitored to prevent any unauthorised access. We will not send personal information to you by ordinary email. As the security of ordinary email cannot be guaranteed, you should only send email to us using the secure email facility on our website.
  • All practical steps will be taken to ensure that personal data will not be kept longer than necessary and that the Bank will comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements in Vietnam concerning the retention of personally identifiable information.

Security assurance

  • Both you and HSBC play an important role in protecting against online fraud. You should be careful that your bank account details including your User ID and/or Password are not compromised by ensuring that you do not knowingly or accidentally share, provide or facilitate unauthorised use of it. Do not share your User ID and/or password or allow access or use of it by others. We endeavor to put in place high standards of security to protect your interests. If, in the unlikely event, unauthorised transactions have been conducted through your account through no fraud, fault or negligence on your part, we will see that you are covered for your direct loss up to the full amount of the unauthorised transaction.
  • You should safeguard your unique User ID and Password by keeping it secret and confidential. Never write them down or share these details with anyone. HSBC will never ask you for your Internet Banking Password, in order to ensure that you are the only person who knows this information. When choosing your unique User ID and Password for the first time, do not create it using easily identifiable information such as your birthday, telephone number or a recognisable part of your name. If you think your User ID and/or password has been disclosed to a third party, is lost or stolen and unauthorised transactions may have been conducted, you are responsible to inform us immediately.

Section 4 - Website Privacy Notice

Your privacy matters to us

To maintain our commitment to the privacy principles, we at HSBC will ensure that we respect the inherent trust that you place in us. Please check our Website Privacy Notice  on how we collect, use, disclose, and process data.

Use of information and materials

Products and services referred to in this website are offered only in jurisdictions where and when they may be lawfully offered by members of the HSBC Group. The materials on these pages are not intended for use by persons located in or resident in jurisdictions that restrict the distribution of such materials by us. Persons accessing these pages are required to inform themselves about and observe any relevant restrictions.

These pages should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation to sell investments or make deposits in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an invitation or solicitation in such jurisdiction.

The information contained in these pages is not intended to provide professional advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Persons accessing these pages are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice when necessary.

Collection of personal information

  • Use of "cookies": Your visit to this site may be recorded for analysis on the number of visitors to the site and general usage patterns. Some of this information will be gathered through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person's web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Should you wish to disable these cookies you may do so by changing the setting on your browser. However, you will be unable to enter certain part(s) of our website.
  • Marketing Promotions: Occasionally we may collect personal information from visitors to this site and those individuals that participate in a contest or promotion (online or over the telephone, or at one of our branches). Such information is only collected from individuals who voluntarily provide us with their personal information. We may use this information to advise them of products, services and other marketing materials, which we think, may be of interest to them. We may also invite visitors to this site to participate in market research and surveys and other similar activities.
  • You can choose to receive marketing and other promotional materials by email. If you do receive email or promotional direct mailings, you will always have an opportunity to opt-out.

    If at any time you would like us to cease sending you direct mailings, please contact our Customer Service Centre (84 28) 37 247 247. We will then, at no cost to you, act on your request and ensure that you are not included in future direct marketing promotions.

Opt-out process

If at any time you would like us to cease using your information or advertise to you on Social Media, please contact our Contact Center or email to us. We will act on your request within 30 days from the request date and ensure that you are not included on Social Media advertising campaigns.

1. Contact Center:

2. Email us: